Privacy Policy
This page explains our privacy policies which include the use and protection of information submitted by visitors. If you make a transaction or send an e-mail containing personal information, this information may be shared with other parties to serve you in a more efficient and effective manner. For example, in resolving a complaint that requires feedback from other parties.
Information Collected
No personally identifiable information is gathered during the browsing of this website except for information given by you via email and form submissions.
Links to other websites
Our website contains links to other third-party websites. We are in no way responsible for the contents and personal data policies of such third-party websites.
Amendment Policy
In the event the privacy policy is revised, the amendments will be updated on this page. You will be updated with; the type of information that was collected; how it is to be used and under what circumstances, and how information is to be shared with other parties.
Queries on Personal Data
If you have any questions or feedback relating to personal data, you may contact us at: [email protected]